Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lenovo laptop may refuse third-party battery

Refused to refill the model is that this is a splurge on a printer industry, so that the world's most expensive fluid is indeed the printer ink. Is a model, will be converted into a laptop battery ? Lenovo is clearly brewing the idea around.

Plans to the brink of the report, which obviously will be known as the "battery protection, and to detect whether there is a real LENOVO Battery into the new laptop ThinkPad Edge range. Third-party battery, so the story ends, you will get a flashing message that Lenovo genuine battery is not connected ", and not what you are looking for power.
Third-party battery is not quite the minefield of profit, ink cartridges for the IT industry, but it will be an interesting step to take, if it is indeed true, especially if you want to replace the battery range, especially the supplier does not no longer for sale.

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